best hospital in thrissur | Atreya Hospital| Thrissur

Atreya Hospital is considered one of the best hospitals in Thrissur due to its advanced facilities and high standards of patient care. Here are the key features that make Atreya Hospital stand out:

  1. Location: Conveniently situated in the heart of Thrissur at East Fort, near St. Clare’s School.

  2. Accreditation and Recognition:

    • NABH Accredited: Ensures high standards of patient care and safety.

    • Platinum Certification by IGBC: Ranked first in Kerala and tenth in India for its green building practices.

  3. Experienced Management: Over 40 years of expertise in the medical field, both in India and abroad.

  4. State-of-the-Art Facilities:

    • Operation Theaters: Five modern operation theaters equipped with advanced medical equipment.

    • Neurosurgery: Features a robotic microscope (Carl Zeiss) with a robotic arm for precise neurosurgical procedures.

    • Anesthesia Workstation: An integrated anesthesia workstation (GE) offering advanced ventilation, gas delivery, and patient monitoring.

  5. Specialized Departments:

    • Neurosciences: Offers high standards of care with excellent surgical outcomes.

    • Plastic Surgery and Dermatology: Utilizes the most advanced laser technology for various procedures.

  6. Patient Care and Safety: Committed to providing safe surgeries and ensuring speedy recovery for patients with the help of cutting-edge medical equipment.

Atreya Hospital’s combination of advanced technology, experienced medical professionals, and a patient-centric approach makes it one of the best hospitals in Thrissur.

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